Get the best offers for scooter and motorcycle rentals in Mykonos, with free pickups/returns from any place you choose, at your hotel, the port or the airport.

Car rentals in Mykonos
Choose and rent the car in Mykonos that better fits your needs, from very small city cars to large offroad 4×4 cars, always with free pickup and return from the place of your choice, your hotel, the airport, or the port.

ATV & Buggy rentals in Mykonos
Rent your own buggyo or ATV in Mykonos for easy access even in the most remote beaches! With free pickup and return from your place of choice, your hotel, the port or the airport.
Who we are.
Motorcycle, Car Rentals & Transfer Services Mykonos
Wheel Royale rental office, based in Mykonos, operates in the field of car, motorcycle, ATV and buggies rentals with consistent and professionalism, offering you excellent service within a beautiful and friendly environment.
We also offer you Transfer Services and VIP Transfer Services with well trained car driver from our staff.
With a high level of responsibility and our main concern always to serve the customer, we are able to offer you vehicles according to your needs and requirements that will help you to get beautiful experiences and pictures from our beautiful island.

Our customers say.
Excellent service! They were waiting for us at Mykonos' port, and the car was brand new!
Amazing prices and many vehicle choices! I'll definitely use their services again!